The Joy of Helping Families Find the Right Mortgage

The Joy of Helping Families Find the Right Mortgage

Published: August 7, 2018 Last updated: January 6, 2021 at 6:01 am

Helping Military Families Find the Right Mortgage

Guest Post by Tenely Kam

Image of tenely kam in a circle (divider)

Time for me to sit down, take a breath and reflect on the past few months! As I do so, I cannot help but smile and think about what I have been up too!

I have had the honour of working with some AMAZING military families, arranging their mortgages, and wow, has it ever been rewarding.

I could not really relax until the last set of keys was handed out and that happened last week!Of course, there is a sense of relief when that final transaction transpires, but even better is the wonderful feeling of GRATITUDE for the opportunity to be involved.

Being grateful, that is what this post is about, and I dedicate it to the families I had the pleasure of helping!It has been a JOY to watch them post photos of their homes! This is what fills me with happiness!

Here, the highlight reel of the amazing families that most recently walked “through the doors” of Ross Taylor and Associates and straight into my heart.

  • A beautiful family of six — because you must include the dog — are living in the most charming farmhouse on the lake and I truly love the sunset photos and all the happy faces! Jane, I truly admire you and what you have done with your home and your passion! Whenever I see bouquets of flowers I think of you!
  • My next family of three are finally sleeping under the same roof after a very long separation!Having experienced my fair share of time apart, being a military spouse myself, THIS makes me so very HAPPY!
  • Then we have the family who welcomed their third beautiful baby boy into the world!Buying and moving with three small boys is hard but they handled it and knocked it out of the park!!!
  • The Burton family loaded up the truck and headed off to the beautiful east coast and are making Nova Scotia their home for the time being.My time with Julie was short but very sweet!She is the only person I have ever cried with at a coffee shop as we discussed the challenges we face!Military people say that all roads lead to Ottawa and I certainly hope our paths cross again!Enjoy your hot tub and I hope you get to see the stars every night!
  • Now my next couple is all kinds of sweet! With four boys they have lived in three houses in one year!HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! Your photo of your boys enjoying the $29 pool in your backyard made my heart explode!
  • Ottawa to New Brunswick! A short notice posting is not ideal but Conway, Darlene and their young daughter handled it will such ease!I have to say it warmed my heart to hear that nine-year-old Carmin was going to convert one of the bedrooms into her own ballet studio complete with wall to wall mirrors! She has big dreams and she sure is going to make a big impression at her new school in the fall!So happy to hear your fish made the journey, sweetie!

What an utterly inspiring group of families!

The boxes may not all get unpacked and the moving stickers will be found even years after moving in, but one thing is for certain is that they will make the very best of where they are.They will make friends and their children will do the same because they are brave and resilient.

Having people cross your path that inspires you is always awesome, but when that happens at work, what an incredible gift.

My deepest gratitude to you all, you amaze me!

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​Ross Taylor
One of Toronto/GTA's Most Trusted and Knowledgable Mortgage Agents

Ross Taylor is recognized by his peers as one of Canada's pre-eminent difficult mortgage specialists. His ASKROSS blog and column ​ in Canadian Mortgage Trends are focused on the intersection between mortgage financing and personal credit.

With unique dual certification as a licensed credit counselor and mortgage agent, Ross's insights are valued by mortgage professionals and homebuyers alike.

If you have questions about anything financial or mortgage-related, please contact [email protected]. Ross answers everyone personally.

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